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5 Steps to Mastering Your Energy
So You Can Create All Your Desires!


There is no limit to the amount of happiness that we, as human beings, can experience. There is no limit to how much love, laughter, excitement, or satisfaction we can feel. This Universe is unendingly abundant, which means that it has the ability to yield to us whatever experiences we desire. Why, then, do some people manifest their desires so fluidly and naturally, while others are living lives of struggle, mediocrity, or quiet desperation?

Hard work alone does not guarantee a positive result. In fact, pushing forward with determination and effort when things are not going as planned usually only makes a bad situation worse. Energy – not action – is the source of all manifested things, and The Desire Factor is the definitive guide to achieving energy mastery.

The Desire Factor provides one of the most current, comprehensive, and easy to apply explorations into the realm of energy, and shows readers how – by purposefully calibrating the energetic frequency of their dominant thoughts, moods and expectations – they can bring any desire into physical form.


The book is built around 7 Universal Principles, each of which assists readers in connecting with and deliberately harnessing the divine energy stream that sources all things. These are:


The Principle of Alignment


The Principle of Focus


The Principle of Joyful Expectancy


The Principle of Having


The Principle of Loving


The Principle of Surrender


The Principle of Action

Each principle builds upon the last one, and together, they provide a clear path – not just toward the manifestation of objects, experiences and conditions you desire to create in each important area of your life – but toward the personal evolution your desires are guiding you to embrace.

Cheryl Hines, American actress, comedienne, and director, congratulates Christy in a cameo moment on her upcoming and anticipated book release, The Desire Factor!

Brooke Burke: Actress and TV Personality, Brooke Burke, congratulates Christy in a cameo moment on her upcoming and anticipated book release, The Desire Factor!


This book changed my life! … No matter what you desire, whether you desire particular healing, increased income or financial independence, new job or a new career opportunity, greater success, more love in your life, companionship, a new home or whatever you desire, The Desire Factor will help you achieve what you do want.”

– Elisabeth Rohm, German-American Television and Film actress




“Thought can be used consciously and powerfully to create the world we desire, for ourselves and for all humanity. This book is a clear and helpful guide to how to do that.”

– Bestselling Author, Political Activist and Spiritual Thought Leader



The Desire Factor is a phenomenal guide on how to consciously connect and create the life you desire. Like a tuning fork for a musician, this book inspires the reader to resonate and align with their highest good.”

– Musician, Producer, Songwriter and Pat Benatar’s Husband, and Musical Partner



The Desire Factor is a must read book if you want to be a deliberate creator in your life. No matter how big or small your desires may be this book is the tool to help your desires become a reality.”

– Channel for Theo



The Desire Factor is essential for everyone to read no matter how big or small your desires are, and not matter what they are! Anyone that wants to learn how to go from an idea to fulfillment of that idea MUST read The Desire Factor!”

New York Times bestselling author of The Virgin Diet


The Desire Factor powerfully speaks to a new paradigm for the manifestation of our worldly hopes and dreams. It not only enhances traditional meditation and visualization techniques, but also activates your direct experience of the energy source of all manifestation. Once you know how to connect with this energy, you can direct it toward creating any outcome you desire and live the life you were meant to live. Well done Christy.”

– #1 Bestselling Author of The Energy Codes



The Desire Factor is a must read for anyone seeking to become a more deliberate creator of their own life experience. Christy Whitman breaks down how to change any circumstance by changing the energy we bring to it. Her seven step process of Alignment, Focus, Joyful Expectation, Having, Loving, Surrender, and Action, demonstrate the adjustments we must make in our energy in order to magnetize any outcome we desire.”

– Founder & Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center Author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation



The Desire Factor guides you through the essential internal steps you must take to attract anything you desire in the external world. Both scientifically sound and easy to understand, Christy Whitman leads you to the understanding that the Universe is always listening, interacting and responding. An empowering, must-read book for anyone seeking to reclaim their power to attract what they desire on purpose.”

– Star of The Secret, author of The Attractor Factor and The Miracle



“To magnetize anything you desire into your life – whether it’s financial prosperity, freedom of self-expression in your career, or living happily ever after with your soul mate, your energy must be in resonant alignment with whatever outcome you want to receive. The Desire Factor not only shows you how to manifest the things you desire, but reveals the formula for being joyful in the meantime.”

– Author of The Soulmate Secret



“The quality of the life experience that each of us is now living in is the result of the quality of energy we’ve been offering. The formula for manifesting any type of internal or external change we desire is simple. Change the energy we’re sending so it’s in alignment with a different result. In The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman shows readers precisely how to do this, and presents this information in bite-size steps – seven, to be exact. The book is also rich with interactive processes that afford readers a first-hand experience of what it feels like to effect a shift in their energy, and to realize the profound external changes that come about as a result.”

– Author of Maximum Achievement



Most of us interact with life as mere shadows of who we really are.  We continue to tell the same tired stories about what’s happened to us in the past and we drag around perceptions and belief systems that oppose the very outcomes we want.  The Desire Factor breaks down the process of how each of us creates the reality we are living, and guides readers expertly through the art and science of shifting one’s point of attraction.   The result is a reawakening to the truth of who each of us truly is at our core: Powerful, energetic beings who have the ability to shape and reshape our destiny in every moment in time.

New York Times Bestselling Author and Featured Teacher in The Secret



“Desire is at the root of our humanity. Desire for life. Desire for abundance. Desire for love. Without desire, there is nothing to drive our progress as a species. Still, there is a stigma and misunderstanding around desire which prevents people from allowing themselves to experience a life they would truly love. Christy shines her brilliant light on our current ideas about desire and how we learn to not only allow desire, but thrive on it. She shares her years of experience with manifesting and the Law of Attraction as well so that you not only learn about the role of desire in your life, but also how to realize those desires.”

– Featured expert in The Secret



The Desire Factor is a jewel that you will treasure for years to come. Rich with truth, this book is a guide that will help you get anything you seriously want. Wallace Wattles said, “Desire is the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without throughout through your actions.” Desire is the yeast that raises the dough; it’s the fuel that puts you on the right vibration to attract what you want in your life. Without it, you won’t do what you have to do, to be who you have to be, to get what you really want. Christy has laid it out beautifully for you to read, enjoy, digest, and take action.”

– Bestselling author of You Were Born Rich



“Your desires serve a Divine purpose. They provide an avenue for you to realize your power as a Divine creator. Christy Whitman brilliantly shares the principles to get you to your desires with ease, grace and flow. The Desire Factor provides a clear, step-by-step guidepost for manifesting any desire, and for realizing your Divine potential. This is a must-read!”

– Author of The Audacity to be Queen and founder of Divine Living



“In The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman has pulled back the curtain and revealed how successful people fulfill their desires. Well-written, with engaging, easy-to-relate to stories, this book will guide you to a completely new understanding of what fulfilling desires means and why you have the desires you have. This is one of those books to put on your ‘Must Read” list.”

New York Times bestselling author of The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches



“In The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman shows readers precisely how to change your energy to create your desires, and presents this information in bite-size steps-seven, to be exact. The book is also rich with interactive processes that afford readers a first-hand experience of what it feels like to effect a shift in their energy, and to realize the profound external changes that come about as a result.”

New York Times Bestselling author of Trust Your Vibes



“Your dreams and heartfelt desires serve a very high spiritual purpose. They provide a powerful catalyst to reach for more, to expand past self-imposed limitations, and to become the person you have always wanted to be. The Desire Factor provides a clear, step-by-step blueprint for manifesting any desire, big or small, and for realizing your greatest potential.”

– Author and Founder of Women Rocking Business


“Understanding what’s beneath your desires are the keys to a fulfilled life. In this book, Christy guides you through your desires and shows you how to live a meaningful life full of all your hearts desires.”

– SuperRoleModel, Author Supermodel You


“If you want to be successful in having what you desire, go deep. The Desire Factor is that deep dive into what is necessary for an idea to become a desire, and a desire to become your reality.”

– Mentor + Advisor + Investor


“What an incredibly leading edge healer and channeler Christy Whitman is! Thank you for blessing us with this treasure map to our Desire Factor!”

– Manager of Relax Me Online Australia


“Christy Whitman has nailed it. The Desire Factor is a must-read for anyone wanting to create success and who wants to fully understand the power of the process.”

– Entrepreneur Mentor Founder of the Trust


“Desire is an important part of the creation process and The Desire Factor is the roadmap for that Divine creation process. Christy Whitman did an outstanding job of guiding the reader step-by-step through the process of creating what you desire in your life. This is so leading edge and a must read for any spiritual seeker.”

– Expert on the physics of flow, President of the Wide Awakening


“Christy Whitman has done an amazing job! The Desire Factor takes you on a inspiring journey. Christy has created a must read in the self-help category! Anyone suffering from frustration, overwhelm or anxiety needs to read The Desire Factor and keep it in your reference library.”

– Radio Personality, ABA Hall of Fame, Music & Entertainment Hall of Fame


The Desire Factor is a practical, step-by-step guide to realize your heart’s desire. The powerful and simple process of sustainable transformation can be used for any desire, big or small. The Desire Factor is your GPS to the life of your dreams!”

– Psychotherapist, Founder of Terri Cole’s Real Love Revolution® & Terri Cole’s Boundary Bootcamp®


The Desire Factor reveals a tried-and-true formula for achieving a frequency of consistent success and fulfillment – regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. From a state of internal connection, all your desires, both tangible and intangible, unfold easily and magically.”

– Founder of theBFFlife®, bestselling author, advocate and business mentor


The Desire Factor guides you sequentially through seven universal principles that will teach you how to align the energy of your thoughts, moods, beliefs and expectations with whatever outcome you desire to manifest.”

– Author of Men Are From Mars, Women are From Venus


The Desire Factor is a must read for anyone wanting to create an incredible life. The 7-step process in this book demonstrates what you must do to have anything you desire, and ultimately become the person you have always wanted to be.”

– #1 New York Times bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind™


The Desire Factor is an expansive step-by-step guide to manifest and attract what you desire most. It doesn’t matter how big or small your desires are, this simple and yet profound process will be the tool to get you there. The Desire Factor is a must read!”

– Master Coach, Bestselling Author, Podcast Host


“Christy Whitman did it again! This book is a must read for anyone that wants more out of this life! The Desire Factor gives you the exact formula to connect with the part of you that gave you the desire in the first place, and how to follow through as a co-creator.”

– Founder of Life Transformed University


“Our perception of how the universe operates is rapidly changing. Where we once believed hard work and sacrifice to be the path to success, we now understand that perception, attitude, and vibration are the powerful internal forces that account for a big part of achieving the success we desire. In The Desire Factor, Law of Attraction coach Christy Whitman explains the vibrational nature of all things in language that is easy to understand, and provides a powerful formula to follow for the manifestation of any desire.”

New York Times best-selling author of The Answer and Innercise


The Desire Factor is about so much more than manifesting your desires. It is a handbook for strengthening your connection with the all-powerful presence that created you and that oversees the flow of all things. From the information and processes presented throughout this book, you will learn how to manifest any desire, big or small. But more important, you will learn the art and science of aligning your own energy, and this is the key to finding fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect and circumstance of your life.”

– Bestselling Author and Co-Founder of Mind Movies


The Desire Factor is a testament to the success principles I’ve been living and teaching for more than forty years. Whether we experience happiness or unhappiness; success or failure, depends on what we, ourselves, believe we are deserving of. What we think about, talk about, feel strongly about, and act on, we attract into our lives. In this book, my friend Christy Whitman lays out a reliable road map for how to do all of the above on purpose.”

– Coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™, and a featured teacher in The Secret


“We all know we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. The Desire Factor teaches us how to make the most of the human, material plane of reality, as we simultaneously align with the infinite spirits we are. A fine line indeed…and Christy will show you how to walk it…in designer shoes, looking and feeling fabulous every step of the way. Her seven-step process of Alignment, Focus, Joyful Expectation, Having, Loving, Surrender, and Action, demonstrate exactly how to take a desire into its fulfillment.”

– Bestselling author of It’s All in Your Dreams and the Dream Goddess Empowerment Deck

Collette Baron-Reid Endorsement For The Desire Factor


The Desire Factor is a must read for anyone who wants to turn their intentions and desires into glorious technicolor reality. The process that Christy Whitman outlines in The Desire Factorwill show you how to align yourself on every level with your highest vision. This is the perfect handbook for our challenging times””

– Oracle expert and author of The Map

Tom Bergeron


“As a TM meditator of almost 40 years, I’ve often felt profoundly connected to our collective quantum soup. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor beautifully makes the case that desire not only doesn’t deserve its bad rap (thanks a lot, Adam & Eve), but it’s actually one of the soup’s most transformational ingredients.”

– TV Host and Soup Resident


“You might be more skilled or knowledgeable than the person next to you, but desire is often what determines who ultimately fulfills their goals. If you want to attain a level of desire that separates you from the rest and empowers you to achieve, then The Desire Factor is the book for you.”

– Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing, bestselling author, and top business coach


The Desire Factor is not only bold in its premise to help us fulfill our dreams, but it positions shiny material things right next to the divine nature of spirituality. The two have always walked hand in hand and it’s about time we find a book that calls it out so purposefully.”

– Author of Second Firsts and Where Did You Go?


The Desire Factor is life changing! Whatever your desire in life might be, this book is the step-by-step action plan to get you there. Simple. Practical. And at the same time so expanding.”

– Relationship Coach and Podcaster


“If you have any desire big or small that you want to fulfill, read this book. The Desire Factor has a simple and yet profound step-by-step guide to make your desires a reality.”

– co-founder MindValley


The Desire Factor is a book that is on the must-read list! Christy Whitman outlines the step-by-step journey of how a desire becomes a reality. If you follow it, you will too see your desires realized.”

– Bestselling author of Dear Universe

Peggy McColl


“Christy Whitman did it again, with her best work yet. The Desire Factor is a must read for anyone wanting to create any desire, no matter how big or small. Simple and yet profound.”

New York Times Bestselling Author


“The only thing that stops any of us from living our best lives are the limitations we place upon ourselves. We desire abundance, happiness, and creative expression, but hold doubts about our ability to attain those things. The Desire Factor expertly guides you through a seven-step process for releasing the brakes you’re unconsciously placing on yourself, so you have the freedom to generate energetic alignment with any outcome you desire to create.”

– Founder of BraveThinking Institute


“Sirians are elated to see humans on Earth now claiming and embodying the 5th Dimensional awareness! As you tune into the energetic coding of this book, tuning into the Light emissions of Christy and The Council, you will discover The Desire Factor is a higher elevation attunement instrument… not just book. It is, in fact, a proof that humanity has accelerated into 5D.”

– A World Renowned Channeller, two-time presenter at Carnegie Hall NYC


“A lot of people seek to manifest their desires from an outside-in approach: Identify the specific details of what is wanted and set on a path to creating them. In this book, Christy Whitman offers an entirely different paradigm. The Desire Factor guides you sequentially through seven universal principles that will teach you how to align the energy of your thoughts, moods, beliefs and expectations with whatever outcome you desire to manifest.”

– WSJ best selling author of Scale or Fail


The Desire Factor is a must read for anyone seeking to become a more deliberate creator of their own life. Christy Whitman breaks down how to change any circumstances by changing the energy we bring to it. Her seven-step process of Alignment, Focus, Joyful Expectation, Having, Loving, Surrender, and Action-demonstrates the necessary adjustments to make in your energy in order to magnetize the outcomes you desire.”

– Author of Happy for No Reason


The Desire Factor dispels the false dichotomy between leading a spiritually-based life and fulfilling one’s material desires. Once again, Christy Whitman shows us that we can, in fact, have it all.”

– Multiple International Bestselling Author & Book Publisher


The Desire Factor helps us to unlearn the false ideas that caught root in our early conditioning, then gently guides us to re-learn, replace and reinforce the truth about the powerful creators that we really are!”

– Founder of the @lawofattractionlive community Entrepreneur, Therapist & Trainer

Mike Dooley


“Let your burning desires set the world on fire and let Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor light the way.”

New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities


“If you want to make your desires a reality, buy this book!”

– Nappytabs” director/choreographer two time Emmy winners (2011 and 2014) for Outstanding Choreography on So You Think You Can Dance

Jennifer Mclean


“Christy & The Council are delivering what the world needs right now. The new and original wisdom found in The Desire Factor is the perfect and important blend of universal wisdom and practical how-to steps to face your fears, fulfill your desires, and find yourself creating the life that you finally love. You are about to be proud of the life you are creating and sense true fulfillment. The council is one of the best places to turn for the most relevant and current insights. This book delivers, get this right now!”

– Creator of the Global Phenomenon: The Spontaneous Transformation Technique


“The quality of our relationship with our own desires determines the quality of our lives” This line alone speaks volumes to what it looks like to redefine success and how to find true joy in our lives. The Desire Factor packs a very powerful punch in not just the importance of our own desires but how we can put these desires to action, driving us forward daily to become the people we were made to be!”

– NBA Life Optimization Coach Motivational Keynote Speaker and Author


“This book is a bonafide manual for a new era of conscious living. The Desire Factor flips the antiquated notion that “wanting things is “bad” on its head and demonstrates the vibrational root of “desire” and how our desires propel us forward in our own evolution. It’s how we grow all the very best things in our lives-truly “the secret sauce”. Once again, Christy Whitman leads us to the next level of understanding about the Laws of the Universe and how we can apply them for our most joyful expansion.”

– National Bestseller-The Beautiful No: And Other Tales of Trial, Transcendence and Transformation


“We all have desires, all the time…large, small, expected, inexplicable, and everything in between. Christy Whitman’s The Desire Factor brilliantly dives deep into the core of what’s behind our ‘silly dreams,’ revealing that indeed the longings of our soul are signals from God, Universe’s beacons for our path. Her methodology takes the guilt and shame out of the equation and goes all the way to the why, all while cleverly tackling some heavy philosophical topics with humor, wit, and charm. I can’t recommend this book enough!”

– Professional Dancer on Dancing With The Stars

Anita Moorjani


The Desire Factor uncovers a simple and profound formula for aligning with the frequencies of consistent abundance and fulfillment – regardless of the desire you have. Feeling an internal connection, all your greatest desires unfold easily and swiftly.”

New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me and What If This Is Heaven


The Desire Factor is a simple, straight-forward guide for harnessing the powerful, unseen forces that orchestrate every act of creation. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to manifest any desire.”

– Queen Visionary and CEO of HeartCore Business


The Desire Factor is a handbook that teaches you how to manifest any desire, big or small. Christy reveals the art and science of creating fulfillment and empowerment in every aspect of your life. Bravo Christy for sharing these important principles.”

– Bestselling Author of Unstoppable and Founder & CEO of Unstoppable Foundation

Janet Bray Attwood


“Passion is an important aspect in creating your desires. Energy is the source of all manifested things, and The Desire Factor is the definitive guide to achieving energy mastery. This is a must read for anyone that has any desire, big or small!”

New York Times Bestselling Author of The Passion Test

Katherine Woodward Thomas


“Christy Whitman takes the mystery out of manifestation with this beautifully written, clear and insightful guide on how to create all that your heart desires. Her optimistic encouragement will inspire you to go for the gold in life. A must-read for those on the path of personal empowerment and collective awakening.”

New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in “The One”


“One of the seven principles to The Desire Factor is the Principle of Loving. Since love is the most powerful, creative energy in the universe, we must not only love ourselves, but love our desires as if we already have them. This book is a must read for anyone wanting to release their fears and doubts and start living into their deepest desires.”

– Actress, author and healer

Debra Ponema Endorsement For The Desire Factor


“What a relief it is to find someone who doesn’t chastise you for desiring that sleek new Tesla or decadent trip to the Greek Isles but rather illuminates the intrinsic value of all desires. The knowledge and tools in The Desire Factor are fresh and unique. This is not a rehashing of what we already know but a completely new angle that can change the trajectory of your life forever.”

– Bestselling Author and Founder of Yes to Success Seminars

Ashley Stahl


The Desire Factor is a much needed guide to help you pursue what truly inspires you at work.”

– Career Coach, Speaker & Author of You Turn


“It’s okay to desire, it’s okay to want. Deciding what you desire starts the manifestation process. The Principles in this book will help you use your own thoughts and energy so you can apply Law of Attraction deliberately to attract your desires. Attract more of what you desire to have — an experience, a relationship, and ideal career, and material and non-material things. If it brings you joy or fulfillment — that satisfies your goal… that’s living your full spiritual power. Start with the decision to DESIRE and use this book to help you get there.”

– Bestselling Author, Law of Attraction, Law of Connection, and Your Life’s Purpose

Nicole Winhoffer


“In my 15 years of studying the human body, mind, and spirit, it’s clear that your mind is responsible for the creation of your life. In The Desire Factor, Christy Whitman demonstrates how to reconnect with your personal desire with an easy to follow protocol to create the life you want. As a student of the Law of Attraction, I know that what you think and feel manifests into physical form. That is why having access to the right teachers and tools is needed to provide you with the support you need to create your dream life.”

– Creator NWMethod, Transformational Coach, Celebrity Fitness Trainer

Karen Shier


“Learning, practicing, and living the 7 brilliant principles taught by Christy Whitman and the Quantum Council in the Desire Factor program has been completely life changing for me. I now know how to really align with my Divine in a much deeper way; how to harness and focus my energy in a way that brings me great joy in manifesting my desires much more quickly and also how to align with those things that I never thought were in the realm of possibility for me in my life. I now understand more fully how I truly am the brilliant creator of my own life and I can fully surrender to that knowingness.

The inspired actions I take as a coach are now much more aligned with my desires and vision of serving others and much less about the scarcity thoughts of “I should” and “I need” or “I can’t” when it comes to personal growth and what I wish to accomplish in my business and my life. I sincerely thank Christy and The Council for sharing the wisdom between the pages of this book and within the Desire Factor program teachings!”

– Karen Shier


tdf book with star



5 stars

I was SO excited to dive into The Desire Factor book, and now I know why. Finally, someone has put into words how it is that there is no need to feel guilty for wanting the finer things in life. That you are not a bad person for desiring a materialistic item.

The book is an easy read, and I love how Christy offers an activity guide and other exercises and meditations to go along with each chapter.

I am ready to dive into manifesting my desires.

– Terri Lee


5 stars

The Desire Factor gives us a beautiful new definition and purpose for Desire as the spark of creativity of the Divine, the beginning of any creation. Christy and The Council help us see how our desires are a gift of inspiration from our Divine connection, then show us how to flow with this creative energy to manifest our dreams and find the best in ourselves in the process. They share complex truths in a concise, understandable and user-friendly process that walks us through the application of these truths for use in our daily lives. This book is sure to make a positive difference in the lives it touches, with a ripple effect that has the potential for a transformational difference for humanity.

– Celeste


5 stars

Everything in this book is actionable, purposeful, and relatable! Christy shows us how to create a new relationship with our desires. For so long, we’ve been told to be less material. But the truth is, your desire is the key to a joyful, abundant life! Since reading the book, amazing things are already happening in my life. I can’t wait to see what else might be possible! The activity guide and the meditations are great! So doable! Anyone who wants more in life needs this book!

– Eat a Beet


5 stars

I believe in challenging myself to create new experiences in my life. The Desire Factor helped me to connect with my Divine in a very deep way. There are so many nuggets, and it is time for your to create what you truly desire in your life. Having followed Christy for many years, I have been able to tap into even more energy and you will too. The exercises and meditations will allow you to tap into your subconscious and reach new levels of energy, and excitement for YOUR DESIRE FACTOR.

– Maria Bradfield


5 stars

I have read many of Christy Whitman’s previous wonderful writings and I’ve also participated in many of the classes and teachings by Christy and the Quantum Council. I’ve had the privilege of reading and studying this book as well. “The Desire Factor” takes all of Christy’s previous work, wraps a bow around it, and goes even so much deeper. Between the covers lays the 7 steps to true manifestation of all of our desires. The act of wanting anything is about far more than just attaining that object or state of being. Feeling the Desire can awaken our greatest human potential and full spiritual nature! We live in such an abundant Universe and if you want to see for yourself how to achieve all of your life’s desires with ease and grace, this is a profound must read!

– Karen Shier


5 stars

The Desire Factor book, written by Christy Whitman and the Council is my TOP choice to read for navigating through life’s challenges, and learning that we are deserving of all of our desires that bring us boundless joy and abundance in every way. This book takes us through a very clear and concise step-by-step process in order for us to live the fulfilling life that is our birthright. The information presented in this book is very valuable, powerful and heartfelt, reaching to the core of my being. I read this through some difficult challenges I was facing and it has been my life raft! I highly recommend that everyone acquire a copy, as you will want to re-read this time and time again!

– LoisR


5 stars

This book oozes with great energy and lots of fun. I have read a lot of personal development, self help books over the years and I’d rate this one a one of the best. I loved it! Not only is Christy entertaining in how she delivers the material, the examples she provides are relevant to life and easy to integrate. I found sections in every chapter that struck a chord (or two or three) with me on some level.

Christy delivers manifestation information in new ways…ways that will rock your world. It has certainly rocked mine! Read it, apply the 7 principles, use the meditations, take action! and get ready to manifest your heart’s desires.

– Rene Murata


5 stars

A clear, fascinating, and actionable read! This POWERFUL book is a must read for anyone who wants more joy and greater abundance in their life!! Abundance and joy ARE available for All! We limit ourselves through our own thoughts and perceptions. The content and exercises in the book provide a clear path to helping you learn to connect with our Universal Source Energy and bypass any negative associations you have with money, relationships or in any other area of your life. Christy lays out 7 principals to help you understand how to tap into your pure potential and manifest the life you truly desire. You’ll want to read this book (maybe more than once) and follow the exercises and TAKE ACTION to make sure you’re incorporating these principals into your daily life!!

– Christina Waggoner


5 stars

The Desire Factor is an AMAZING guidebook to assist you in creating purposely with more ease and grace in life. Christy Whitman lives these 7 principles with how they have unfolded on her journey. She weaves her own stories within it make it so relatable. This book also allows for the reader to see the possibilities and that desiring is what is needed more of in our lives (especially as our lives have shifted so much with the contrast from the past year).

Get this book today to learn, apply to 7 principles, and manifest your desires. The Desire Factor will help you on your journey to thrive, not just Survive in life by helping you become more fully your truest and most empowered self!

– Elizabeth Myers


5 stars

This is a “must experience” book! I say experience because you do not simply read this book, you experience it as Christy and the Council take you through the steps that are perfectly laid out. I have worked with the Law of Attraction principles for years with success but the magic found in Desire Factor is truly transformational. I feel as though I have “lightened” up! Things are coming faster and easier now. This book is so much more than a manifestation tool, it holds within the keys to a higher connection with the Divine. it is a tool to evolve and hone our true essence, taking it to the next level and beyond. Life Changing!!!

– Kim DeClair


5 stars

This book can seriously change your life! It guides you through step by step on how to truly create the life you desire. Christy and the Council offer hope, open your eyes to a bigger life and the steps to make it all happen! I have read so many personal development books, books on how to manifest and this one is truly special and one of a kind! This book is going to change lives, communities and the world because what starts with us ripples out! I am so grateful for the insights offered from Christy and the Council!!!

– Mindy Couture


5 stars

This book isn’t just about getting what we want – it’s a roadmap showing us how to live a joyous and successful life. If you are feeling even a tiny whisper of inspiration to buy this book – do it right now! Buy it, read it and live it! It was written for YOU! You will be amazed at the person you become as you align yourself with the creative power of the Divine, and it all starts with listening to the whispers of our heart’s desires.

– Amazon Customer


5 stars

This book is a game-changer for anyone practicing the Law of Attraction but feels something is missing or not clicking. There are specific steps given to achieve your “Desire Factor” and align with your Divine self. The book also includes exercises and meditations — with links on page 22 for more material.

I love, love, love this book! Highly recommended!

– JenEarle


5 stars

This book is a MUST READ for anyone who wants to make all their desires and dreams come true. The Desire Factor teaches you how to identify what your desires are and then gives you the tools and energy work to enter a state of manifestation. At times when I felt negative resistance I would pick up the book and read more to raise my vibrational energy. This book has the possibility of transforming your life.

– Lori Spano


5 stars

This is a must-read! In her book, Christy gives you the steps to manifest your desires. It’s filled with personal stories, helpful exercises, and tips so you can align with your desires and create a life you love! I highly recommend this book!

– Jen W.


5 stars

I love this book–filled with great stories, exercises, and tools…but mostly as something I read before bedtime to send me off to the Land of Nod with joy and high vibes!

– Kelly Sullivan Walden


5 stars

The Desire Factor book is a treasure trove. I have been fortunate to take many of Christy Whitman’s programs over the years. This book is like a concise, written manual of her programs. It distills everything down to these seven steps of Alignment, Focus, Joyful Expectancy, Having, Loving, Surrender and, of course, Action. Despite my years of practice with her, I still found myself having “Aha!” moments and major breakthroughs. It is THAT good.

If you could only buy one of her books, this would be the one to buy. And get ready to want to highlight the entire book. I had to bust out four different types of highlighting to help distinguish all the pearls and nuggets and wisdom she and The Council are imparting.

Get this book and it will be your new manual for life, for how to have your future desires become present realities–over and over again, as every new desire emerges. As Christy says in the book, “Through your connection with the Divine, your energy partner, you have the ability to bring about any change you wish to realize in your life. You have the power within you at this very moment to realize the fulfillment of your every desire.” And this book, will guide you. Isn’t that exciting?

– Mary Magouirk


5 stars

No matter how big or small your desires are, Christy will walk you through a powerful and simple 7 step process and roadmap to attract and manifest ANY desire so that you can consciously and deliberately create what you want in all areas of life.

The Desire Factor is a deep and profound journey into understanding the spiritual nature of material desire and in reclaiming your true spiritual power.

You will develop an understanding and an ability to work with universal energy; “the energy that creates all things and that exists in abundant supply and is available to each and everyone of us”. You will walk away understanding that, as an energetic spiritual being in a physical body, your energy is your currency in creating all things!

You will learn how to expand your container to have and receive even more and you will walk away knowing how to combine non-physical energy tools and techniques with physical inspired action steps to gain momentum and manifest faster.

There is so much more juicy, powerful and divinely guided, channeled and coded material, activations, meditations and exercises included in the book. The Desire Factor for anyone wishing to grow and expand spiritually, as a human being and in their ability to manifest their desires.

– Lisa Sanfilippo


5 stars

If you are serious about FINALLY stepping into and having the life you have always wanted, then BUY THIS BOOK!!!
The way you look at and interact with your world will be changed forever….Christy and the Quantum Council take you, step-by-step, through the application of 7 principles which will undoubtably lead you to your Desire Factor; give you powerful control over what you bring into your life on a moment-to-moment basis and elevate your vibrational living.

There are so many wisdom nuggets throughout the book – I basically wound up with a book completely awash in yellow highlighter 🤣🤣

The energy of this book is gorgeous and stunning, inside and out. The information is absolutely priceless. There are guided meditations and an activity guide which are just what you need to stay on track.

Here are a few…
“Holding an expectation that contradicts our desires is like trying to reach a mountain peak by traveling downhill. It just can’t be done. We move in the direction we’re facing, and that direction has everything to do with how much joy, abundance and success we expect to come our way.”

“Once you accept that you are creating your life through the things you give your attention to, you will become much more intentional about how you apply that power…. So instead, you’ll become as picky about what you give your attention to as you are about what you put in your mouth.”

“This River of life-giving Creative energy that sources all things flows only in one direction, and that direction is forward.… There’s no value whatsoever and looking back.”

So start looking forward NOW to your new, joyful, luscious, abundant, successful, loving and incredible life. Buy this book and start applying it – this will become your manual for manifestation and your manifesto for life.

– Marisa A Chen


5 stars

In this book, Christy Whitman outlines the principles to be followed if one truly wants to create the life you desire. Alignment, focus, joyful expectancy, having, loving, surrender, and most importantly, action. She illusrates each of these principles with stories from her personal experiences. Truly, this book resonates deeply with me, that every action begins with a thought. Our successes come when we think of what we want, clarify the actions we need to take, and then do them, willingly, expectantly, with enthusiasm and determination and knowing that what we desire, we can achieve. Negative thoughts need to be replaced with positivity, and knowing beyond a doubt that there is a spiritual awakening that comes when you trust and act on these principles.

The take away for me is no matter where you start in life, where you end up is determined by your willingness to work for what you want, trusting that the Universe will provide the energy to move you forward towards your desires and your goals, and your purpose.

– K. Tosie


[Following is an official review of “The Desire Factor” by Christy Whitman.]

Do you yearn or crave beautiful things like exotic cars, houses, and gadgets? Are you uncertain and scared of the possibility of having them? Relax, it is not materialism. It is natural for humans to be attracted to the beautiful things of life. The Desire Factor by Christy Whitman is the perfect read for you. I bet you will have a new orientation and approach to life and your desires. It is an inspiring book that will aid you in reaching your desires.

Firstly, the author makes us understand that desire is a powerful force that triggers a surge of heightened pleasure and purpose, sending life-giving energy rushing through every fiber of our being. She further explains that desire should not be misunderstood for materialism because it is the first thing that brings about creation. When you decide to use your desire as a motivating factor to actualize your purpose, you are aligning with the “Desire Factor” within you.

[Following is an official review of “The Desire Factor” by Christy Whitman.]

Christy Whitman, in her book, The Desire Factor, revealed the secrets to using the energy of desire to achieve your aim in life. She used her experience as an expert in universal laws and personal transformation to explain her ideas. In her inspiring book, she introduced her audience to the principles of Alignment, Focus, Joyful Expectation, Having, Loving, Surrender, and Action. She showed how we could use our Divine Selves to attract the resources we need in life effortlessly. In this novel, we get to understand how we can allow our feelings to determine our future.

She started by telling us how we can align with the unseen frequency to create our reality. Each of us can determine our outcome by attuning ourselves to the right source. This book explained that when we have our minds connected to a divine source, we become more creative unlike when we think about unfavorable circumstances. She explored how our desires force resources to grant us our goals if we tap into its potential. In this book, we will find out how we can transform our desires into realities.

[Following is an official review of “The Desire Factor” by Christy Whitman.]

We are conversant with the fact that hard work and meticulous planning lead to the achievement of goals. What if there are other principles through which the most joyful manifestations occur? Would you love to find out how you can consciously achieve what your heart desires? If yes, read The Desire Factor by Christy Whitman.

Christy Whitman recounts how she instantly fell in love with a purse she found in a department store. At that time, she couldn’t afford it, but it triggered a change in her life. As an energy master and an expert in the “Law of Attraction,” the author understands the things in life in terms of their vibrational nature. Hence, she provides readers with seven universal principles that they can use to explore the divine energy realm for the manifestation of their desires and the evolution of their being.

Firstly, I love how the principles discussed by the author follow a progressive pattern. The seven principles are in this order: alignment, focus, joyful expectancy, having, loving, surrender, and action. So readers will appreciate how the author’s insights into each of them advance progressively.

My favorite aspect of this book is that it features an energy mastery exercise at the end of each chapter. The author uses this part of the book to guide readers on how to connect with the energy realm where everything they seek is abundant. However, it was awkward trying to read the author’s instructions and concentrate on the activity simultaneously. I think it would be practical to have someone slowly read out the instructions to you while you perform the exercise since the author instructs that you should close your eyes.

I had finished the book in a few days. What I really appreciated was that the teachings were clearly explained and connected to daily practical life. Overall I liked the energy that radiated out of the text. It’s so inspiring and joyful.

My biggest aha moment was that it’s not only about getting what you want but also the growth you experience while becoming the person that attracts the desire. Even if you don’t get that desire. And maybe something better is waiting in the end.

It was also a big aha moment for me when it was clearly described that just taking a lot of action is not the best thing to do. That it has to be inspired action and that sometimes things just sort themselves out and it’s best not to get in the way. I guess it was that piece about that successful businessman that was worrying where his next clients would come from. As a go-getter myself and wanting to be in control this is something I’m working on myself.

– Zinzi S.


Christy Whitman is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success. Her forthcoming book The Desire Factor will be released April 21, 2021.

Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.

Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 10-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped certify over 3,000 life coaches and has helped countless others to unlock their power to manifest. She lives in Scottsdale with her husband Frederic and her two boys Alex and Maxim.


Christy Whitman is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success. Her forthcoming book The Desire Factor will be released April 21, 2021.

Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.

Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 10-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped certify over 3,000 life coaches and has helped countless others to unlock their power to manifest. She lives in Scottsdale with her husband Frederic and her two boys Alex and Maxim.

Christy Whitman New York Times Bestselling Author

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