Christine Sell
Christine Sell
Christine Sell is a QSCA Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Desire Factor Coach, Primary School Educator, Children’s Nanny, Trauma Facilitator, Mentor, and a published Children’s Author.
Christine is a dynamic Education leader with 35 years of experience across a diverse range of settings in Australia. She has a wealth of experience in the classroom setting, leading executive teams and working as a consultant in the wider community. Christine spent 10 years living and working in trauma-sensitive communities in remote regions of Australia successfully developing and teaching programs on trauma, bullying, resilience, respect, and building positive self-esteem. During her 20 years of experience coaching A-Grade sports, Christine spent time coaching at representative levels and holding the position of coaching coordinator. For a period of three years, she took time away from her teaching career to work as a Children’s Nanny to three young children.
In 2014 Christine published her first children’s book, “Gift from the Heart”.
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(888) 551-3121