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Joanna Jodrey

Desire Factor Coach Joanna Jodrey

Joanna Jodrey

Joanna has had a rich career working with people from all around the world. As a Health Promoter and Health Educator Joanna was privileged to work directly with people from very diverse backgrounds throughout her 25 plus years in the world of work. She has worked in the fields of addiction, sexual health, community development, parenting, and immigrant settlement. In 2016 she shifted her focus to personal and professional growth and development as she worked from home to be available to her youngest child who was learning to navigate the world with learning challenges. Joanna enrolled in the Quantum Success Coaching Academy in May 2016. In May 2017 she was certified as a Quantum Success Law of Attraction Life Coach and a Creating Money Coach with the QSCA. Joanna went on to achieve certification as a Qigong Instructor in late 2017 and in 2020 she was certified a Laughter Yoga Leader. In 2020 Joanna was honored to be called to Coach with the Desire Factor team. In 2021 in addition to Coaching on the CWI team, she will be immersed in the Quantum Energy Mastery course continuing her own spiritual journey with Christy Whitman and The Council of Light. Joanna has made a lifetime commitment to daily study and practice in self-improvement. She serves by helping others change their level of conscious awareness so that they too can intentionally create a joyFULL Life.

Knowing that there are as many lived experiences as there are people on planet Earth, Joanna values your unique story. She honors your journey thus far and she is excited to guide you through the 7 steps of the Desire Factor Program. With Joanna’s guidance, you will learn how to work with the laws of the universe, how to tune into your energy, and how to be the deliberate creator of your life going forward.

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10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

(888) 551-3121